Sunday, November 9, 2008

FHE for the Monday after Halloween

I know this is like a week late, but a friend told me about this idea and I loved it. She said that the Monday after Halloween she does a lesson on tithing and has her kids give 10% of their candy to the bishop to put in his office. I thought this was such a cute idea, especially if you have small kids. I know I struggling with things to teach my little ones for family home evening, because its hard to keep their attention. But, this last Monday I tried it and it was a success. They loved it. I just read a couple of scriptures on tithing and explained how Jesus and Heavenly Father bless us with everything we have and they only ask that we give 10% of our increase. I explained the things that tithing pays for. And told them that once they turn 8 they would be asked to pay tithing, so for practice we were going to count out 10% of their Candy to give to the bishop. My kids had so much fun, and had no objections to giving part of their candy away. I showed them what a small amount it was compared to the rest of their Halloween stash they had, but that's all Heavenly Father asks even though he gives us so much. It was definitely a successful FHE and I plan on doing it every year. And I'm sure the Bishop was grateful for the candy. (sorry for those who read my blog, because I posted this on there too, but I thought this would be something good to post on here too)

1 comment:

  1. What a fun idea!! You should also inform your children of the mommy Halloween tax... Moms get 50% of everything chocolate.
